“The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, commonly known as the CBC, is a Canadian crown corporation that serves as the national public radio and television broadcaster. In French, it is called la Société Radio-Canada (Radio-Canada or SRC). The umbrella corporate brand is CBC/Radio-Canada.
“”Canadians come to CBC/Radio-Canada for engaging, informative and high quality content they’ll find nowhere else. And it’s clear we couldn’t make this happen without our people, in every position across the Corporation.
Our people come from every corner of Canada and beyond. They are the face of our country, in all its diversity. They are also some of the most creative and talented people in the business. Not only is that reflected in the quality of the work they produce, but the recognition they’ve received, which amounts to over 400 national and international awards across the organization in 2008/09 alone. We are committed to our employees and to our Corporation’s success. This is why we are providing better opportunities for training and development. Whether we’re talking about coaching, job-shadowing or internal training programs, CBC/Radio-Canada is maintaining its commitment to furthering the skills of our employees year after year.