(Scroll down to see Quebec jobs)
Of Quebec jobs about 78.5% are in the services sector, and 21.5% of Quebec employment is in the goods-producing sector. Almost all recent growth in Quebec employment is in service sector jobs.
Over 3 million employees work in the services sector making up 78.5% of all Quebec jobs, about 17% are in trade, wholesale and retail jobs, 13% are in medical jobs with hospital and health care providers, 7.5% are in professional, scientific and technical careers and about 6% have employment in Quebec tourism and hospitality jobs as supervisors, cooks, chefs, servers and other careers in hotels and restaurants.
Well over half of the employment in the goods-producing sector is accounted for in manufacturing jobs with and over 25% are in construction jobs with companies like SNC-Lavalin, the balance are with agriculture, utilities and natural resource companies which include a strong mining sector, lumber, pulp and paper production.
Some of Quebec’s major employers include multinational engineering and construction firms SNC-Lavalin and Flour Canada, Aviation and Aerospace engineering companies Air Canada and Bombardier, pulp and paper companies Cascades and AbitibiBowater, and mining giant Rio Tinto.
Quebec is Canada’s largest province and home to almost 25% of Canada’s population the vast majority of whom speak French, Quebec’s official language.