What's the Difference Between Canadian or U.S. Resumes versus Latin American CVs?
There are many differences between Latin American and North American resumes and CVs. In the Canadian or U.S. job markets, these can work against you.
If your resume is not aligned with normal Canadian resume content and formatting, there is a higher chance the recruiter or hiring manager will not consider you.
Making sure your resume conforms to the best practices Canadian employers (or employers in the USA) are accustomed to will put you on an even playing field with other candidates and will improve your chances of being considered for the job you want.
Why waste your time submitting your resume if it is going to be trashed within seconds of the recruiter looking at it? First, get your resume or CV evaluated (for FREE)
Here are some of the key differences between Canadian, U.S., and Latin American resumes that you need to be aware of:
Formatting: Canadian resumes tend to have a more straightforward and concise format, while American resumes are often longer and use a more detailed format. Latin American resumes may follow a more traditional format, including a photo, which is generally not recommended for resumes in North America.
Content: Canadian resumes typically focus on achievements and results, while American resumes tend to include more details about duties and responsibilities. Latin American resumes may include personal information and a detailed educational history.
In Canada and the U.S., more personal information like your photo, passport number, religion and your relative’s occupations are generally not to be included on your resume. Personal information is not provided to protect your privacy and to foster a more unbiased and allow for greater equality and diversity of new hires in the workplace.
Length: Canadian resumes are usually one to two pages in length, while American resumes can be longer. Latin American resumes may be longer, including a detailed work and educational history. Visit this blog with tips on how long your resume should be.
Use of language: Canadian resumes use formal and professional language, while American resumes may be more informal and use industry-specific terminology. Latin American resumes may use a more formal and technical language, with less emphasis on personal qualities.
Emphasis on education: Canadian resumes typically place less emphasis on education, while American resumes often list educational degrees and certifications prominently. Latin American resumes may place more emphasis on education, including university degrees and courses taken. Listing course work, micro certifications and volunteer experience is recommended if relevant to the position you are applying for.
References: Canadian resumes do not typically include references, while American resumes may include a separate reference page. Latin American resumes may include references within the resume body. In Canada, a good practice is to request permission to use your reference’s name and provide them to the recruiter or employer separately from your resume, at a later date, as one of the final stages of the interview process.
These are general guidelines. Regardless of where you are located, it’s advisable to consider the specific job and industry you’re applying for when preparing your resume. Taylor your resume to match the terminology and highlights specifically to each job you are applying for.
Whether you have a Canadian resume, a U.S. resume or a foreign resume or a CV, one of the first steps should be to get your resume evaluated by an expert resume writer.
What’s the difference between a resume versus a CV? Click to find out: Resume vs CV
Also see, Strategies to Help you Get a Job in Canada or get more resume writing help