Call for Nominations - Hockey Canada Board of Directors



Call for Nominations - Hockey Canada Board of Directors

Employment Type:



per year

Job Description:

Call for Nominations - Hockey Canada Board of Directors

Application Deadline Date
September 19, 2023

The employer is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse work environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status or disability.

The employer welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.

In response to a governance review conducted by The Honourable Thomas Cromwell C.C.,Hockey Canada (HC), through its thirteen (13) Regional and Territorial Members, has madeextensive changes to its governance structure, particularly around Board composition andstructure. Those changes will be brought to the forefront for the first time this Fall, as HockeyCanada conducts its Board of Director elections.

The HC Nominating Committee (NC) will lead the Nomination process. The NC is committed torecruiting individuals who collectively possess a wide range of skills, experiences, competenciesand attributes required by the organization. The NC will undertake a rigorous process tocomplete these tasks prior to the elections, including screening and vetting potential candidates.

The NC calls upon its thirteen (13) regional and territorial Members, the public and those with acommitment to contributing toward a cultural evolution in the game to identify and encouragequalified individuals to respond to the call for nominations.


• September 19, 2023 Deadline to Submit Nominations

• October 19, 2023 Shortlisted Candidates Provided to Members

• November 18, 2023 Election of Directors

The following are the important list of skills, experiences, competencies and attributes thatwill assist in identifying candidates who will appear on the election ballot. Potential candidatesshould demonstrate their experience in these areas. Most of these will incorporate manyelements covering a broad spectrum of attributes required for competent leadership including:

Industry experience - Canadian Sports System, Hockey, Sport Safety

General competencies - Executive leadership, Board governance, Stakeholder management,Government relations, superior public/media communications skills, and policy development

Technical competencies - Finance & Accounting, Compensation & Human Resources,Legal & Regulatory, Risk Management, Marketing & Sales, IT & Information Management,Business development, Organizational culture, Change management

Behavioural competencies - Leadership & influence, Preparedness & engagement,Strategic orientation, Communication & listening, and Courage

Personal attributes - Geographic diversity, age diversity, gender diversity, ethnic diversity,educational diversity, and other types of diversity

Languages - Proficiency in both official languages would be considered as an asset

The NC is committed to a respectful, professional, and fair process to identify a limited numberof candidates to appear on the ballot. An important part of the process will be the screeningand interviewing of potential candidates by the committee. As part of its commitment toproviding a safe and healthy sporting environment, any potential candidate must be willingto submit to Hockey Canada's screening process including, without limitation, undergoingsocial media screening, a criminal record check, and reference checks.

All nine (9) Board positions are open for election. Following their election, the newly electedBoard shall appoint one of the elected Directors to serve as Chair for a three (3) year term.Although all candidates must be willing to serve a three (3) term, Board members will servestaggered terms, meaning that the Board will include three (3) candidates including the BoardChair, who will serve a three (3) year term, three (3) candidates who will serve two (2) yearterms, and three candidates who will serve a one (1) year term. Rather than creating a largerballot of candidates, the Nominating Committee reserves the right to present a slate of nine (9)candidates, for Member approval.

Candidates who are currently involved in the game of hockey must divest themselves of anyexecutive position within a Member organization, within thirty days after taking office. Anyperson seeking election as a Director shall declare any perceived or actual conflict of interestin advance of seeking election. No Director may be a paid employee of Hockey Canada or of aMember or a Partner organization of Hockey Canada. In order to qualify to become or act asa Director, individuals must:

I. be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada;

II. be at least eighteen (18) years old;

III. not be an undischarged bankrupt;

IV. have the capacity under law to contract; and

V. not have been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country.

Potential candidates must complete an application form that can be found on the Hockey Canadawebsite and submit a resume (no more than two pages) including two references. They shouldalso include a brief cover letter that indicates the skills, experiences, competencies andattributes they possess which would make them a suitable nominee for the Board. Pleasenote that due to the anticipated volume of applications, communication with most applicantswill occur electronically, except for those who are shortlisted.

Hockey Canada affirms its commitment to building a sport and work environment that isequitable and inclusive and promotes the benefits, principles and opportunities of equity,diversity and inclusion within Hockey Canada and with Members and Minor Hockey Associationsthroughout the country.

We welcome applications from members of racialized groups, women, Indigenous Peoples(First Nations, Métis and Inuit), persons with disabilities, persons of various sexual orientationsand gender identities, and anyone who can contribute to the further diversification of ideas tosupport Hockey Canada's mission to lead, develop and promote positive hockey experiences.

Any questions may be forwarded to the Nominating Committee at .

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Looking to create a more inclusive workplace? Leverage SIRC's resources to create inclusive hiring practices, and an accommodating workplace environment.

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